Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) has displayed the official Ahmedabad – Baroda (Vadodara) Volvo Bus Time Table and Timings for convenience of the passengers. You can check the schedule from Nehrunagar, Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Bus Station or CTM Expressway. You can also check the ticket rate / price / fare for online booking of Volvo tickets. As per new update – GSRTC has also facilitated passengers with online E-Ticketing system through which users can book tickets online in regards to seat availability and status. This updated timings for buses is valid for this year with inclusion of new fleet of buses.
The timings of Volvo bus at particular location in Ahmedabad will depend upon availability of bus and traffic conditions. Please make sure you arrive beforehand so that you don’t miss out on your journey. The Volvo timetable mentioned below are from Ahmedabad Central Bus Station (Gita Mandir).
The approximate distance between Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Baroda Central ST Stand is around 120 KM and it takes around 1 hour 30 minutes to reach the destination. You can avail Volvo bus facility on all the days except less frequency during Sundays.
Due to current COVID-19 scenario, the Government has reduced the number of buses running between Ahmedabad and Baroda to contain the spread of the virus. Post December 2020, we are expected to start with full frequency as mentioned below starting January 2021.