B5-3.1-02, Conversion of Construction-to-Permanent Financing: Single-Closing Transactions (03/02/2022)

This topic contains information on construction-to-permanent financing loan eligibility for single-closing transactions, including:

Single-Closing Transaction Overview

Single-closing transactions may be used for both the construction loan and the permanent financing if the borrower wants to close on both the construction loan and the permanent financing at the same time. When a single-closing transaction is used, the lender will be responsible for managing the disbursement of the loan proceeds to the builder, contractor, or other authorized suppliers.

Because the loan documents specify the terms of the permanent financing, the construction loan will automatically convert to a permanent long-term mortgage loan upon completion of the construction.

Loans that combine construction and permanent financing into a single transaction cannot be purchased by Fannie Mae until the construction is completed and the terms of the construction loan have converted to the permanent financing.

Lenders must use SFC 151 when delivering single-closing construction-to-permanent loans to Fannie Mae (and any other SFCs that may apply to the transaction).

Terms of Construction Loan Period for Single-Closing Construction-to-Permanent Mortgages

For all single-closing construction-to-permanent transactions, the construction loan must be structured as a temporary loan exempt from the ability to repay requirements under Regulation Z. The construction loan period for single-closing construction-to-permanent transactions may have no single period of more than 12 months and the total period may not exceed 18 months. Lenders may, when needed to complete the construction, provide an extension to the original period to total no more than 18 months but the documents may not indicate an initial construction period or subsequent extension of more than 12 months. After conversion to permanent financing, the loan must have a loan term not exceeding 30 years (disregarding the construction period).

As examples, lenders may structure the construction loan period as follows:

Exceptions to the 12-month and 18-month periods will not be granted. The above construction period requirements do not apply to two-closing construction-to-permanent transactions. If the construction loan period exceeds the requirements above, the lender must process the loan as a two-closing construction-to-permanent transaction in order for the loan to be eligible for sale to Fannie Mae (see B5-3.1-03, Conversion of Construction-to-Permanent Financing: Two-Closing TransactionsB5-3.1-03, Conversion of Construction-to-Permanent Financing: Two-Closing Transactions ).

Eligible Loan Purposes for Single-Closing Construction-to-Permanent Mortgages

A single-closing construction-to-permanent mortgage loan may be closed as:

When a purchase transaction is used, the borrower is not the owner of the lot at the time of the first advance of interim construction financing, and the borrower is using the proceeds from the interim construction financing to purchase the lot and finance the construction of the property.

When a limited cash-out refinance transaction is used, the borrower must have held legal title to the lot before they receive the first advance of interim construction financing. The borrower is using the proceeds from the construction financing to pay off any existing liens on the lot and finance the construction of the property. This type of transaction is not a “true” limited cash-out refinance whereby the borrower refinances a loan(s) that was used to purchase a completed property; however, all other requirements for limited cash-out refinances apply. See B2-1.3-02, Limited Cash-Out Refinance TransactionsB2-1.3-02, Limited Cash-Out Refinance Transactions and the limited cash-out refinance requirements in B5-2-03, Manufactured Housing Underwriting RequirementsB5-2-03, Manufactured Housing Underwriting Requirements .

Note: Cash-out refinance transactions are not eligible for single-closing construction-to-permanent mortgages.

Calculating the LTV Ratio for Single-Closing Construction-to-Permanent Mortgages

Single-closing construction-to-permanent mortgages are subject to the purchase and limited cash-out refinance maximum LTV, CLTV, and HCLTV ratios (based on property type) provided in the Eligibility Matrix , as applicable.

The LTV ratio calculation differs depending on whether the transaction is a purchase or a limited cash-out refinance, as shown in the table below.

Down Payment Requirements for Single-Closing Purchase Transactions

The borrower must use their own funds to make the minimum borrower contribution unless:

Modifications of Single-Closing Construction-to-Permanent Mortgages

If the terms of the permanent financing change after the original closing date of the construction loan, the loan may be modified to reflect the new terms if it meets all of the following criteria: