Diversity and inclusion

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Microsoft hires and develops the best talent, bringing a wide range of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to the industry. Employees who represent the markets we serve give us consumer insight, creativity, and real-time market innovation.

We’re taking action

Leadership Inclusive technology Diversity and inclusion training Flexible working

We start with our senior-most leaders. Microsoft’s Board of Directors is one of the most diverse of any technology company today, with women and racial and ethnic minorities holding nine of our 12 positions.

https://news.microsoft.com/leadership/ Meet the board of directors

At Microsoft, our diverse backgrounds are helping build better technology. We share stories of how our technological developments are changing our future and empowering us all.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility Learn how technology is having a positive impact

More than 98% of employees have completed required D&I learning courses on allyship, covering, privilege, and unconscious bias in the workplace. We've also made these publicly available as part of our efforts to share best practices with the industry.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/beyond-microsoft/default.aspx Learn about diversity and inclusion training

Our flexible work arrangements, programs, and tools help us retain top talent and offer employees greater work life balance. These include access to extensive resources and referral services, and generous maternity and paternity leave policies.

https://careers.microsoft.com/v2/global/en/benefits Read about our benefits and perks

Photo of Microsoft sign

Photo of employee <a href=with solar panel array" />

Drawing of employee doing teams call

Photo of employee doing teams call

Photo of Microsoft sign

We start with our senior-most leaders. Microsoft’s Board of Directors is one of the most diverse of any technology company today, with women and racial and ethnic minorities holding nine of our 12 positions.

https://news.microsoft.com/leadership/ Meet the board of directors

Photo of employee <a href=with solar panel array" />

At Microsoft, our diverse backgrounds are helping build better technology. We share stories of how our technological developments are changing our future and empowering us all.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility Learn how technology is having a positive impact

Drawing of employee doing teams call

More than 98% of employees have completed required D&I learning courses on allyship, covering, privilege, and unconscious bias in the workplace. We've also made these publicly available as part of our efforts to share best practices with the industry.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/beyond-microsoft/default.aspx Learn about diversity and inclusion training

Photo of employee doing teams call

Our flexible work arrangements, programs, and tools help us retain top talent and offer employees greater work life balance. These include access to extensive resources and referral services, and generous maternity and paternity leave policies.

https://careers.microsoft.com/v2/global/en/benefits Read about our benefits and perks

image of people at table

Microsoft communities

Microsoft offers close to 50 community groups across the company for career development, support, networking opportunities, mentoring, community participation, product input, and assistance in activities that promote cultural awareness. Join an existing group or start your own.

"https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/inside-microsoft/default.aspx " "Explore Microsoft communities"

100% empowered by employees

Microsoft offers 9 global Employee Resource Groups, along with many additional regional and in-business chapters and employee network groups, providing career development, support, networking opportunities, mentoring, community connection. Join an existing group or start your own.

Investing in an inclusive future

Photo of Microsoft employee

Military community

The Microsoft Software and Systems Academy (MSSA) provides technical training that enables participants to leverage their core skills and interests to chart — and start — their career journey in IT.

https://military.microsoft.com/mssa/ Microsoft Software and Systems Academy

Photo of Microsoft employee

Inclusive hiring programs

In order to build the best products for everyone, Microsoft needs a diverse and inclusive workforce across all abilities, and Microsoft has an unwavering commitment to providing opportunities for all.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/inside-microsoft/cross-disability/hiring.aspx Inclusive hiring programs

Photo of Microsoft employee

A range of experiences

We are committed to hiring individuals from communities that are underrepresented in STEM fields. We value a broad range of perspectives and contributions connect with universities in North America and globally.

https://careers.microsoft.com/v2/global/en/students Programs for students and graduates

Drawing of people looking at globe

Our D&I journey

Our mission is deeply inclusive: empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Each of us—no matter what level, role or function—plays an active role in helping us innovate for inclusion so that everyone can bring all of who they are and do their best work.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/beyond-microsoft/default.aspx Our differences connect us

Photo of Microsoft employees

Beyond Microsoft

The issues behind social and economic inequality are bigger than any one organization can tackle alone. We have an opportunity—and an obligation—to foster collective movement towards greater diversity and inclusion through our actions and partnerships.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/default.aspx Our learning resources

Photo of Microsoft employees

Explore Microsoft Program

This summer internship program exposes college freshman and sophomores to the field of software development, and encourages them to pursue degrees in computer science, computer engineering, and related technical disciplines through group projects and hands-on training.

https://careers.microsoft.com/v2/global/en/students/exploremicrosoft Come Explore Microsoft

Photo of Microsoft employee

Microsoft LEAP apprenticeship program

Microsoft Leap’s mission is to recruit, develop, and upskill talent that might not traditionally have pathways into technology careers. Our program is designed to be an integrated learning experience combining classroom learning (in person or virtual) with on-the-job training.

https://leap.microsoft.com/en-US/ Start your journey

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Digital skills for youth

From basic digital literacy to advanced computer science, Microsoft partners globally with nonprofits, governments, educators, and businesses to equip all youth with digital skills and increase equitable access to inclusive computer science education.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/corporate-responsibility/computer-science-education Digital skills resources

Stories of impact

Jenny LeahDirector of Marketing

Jenny Lay-Flurrie Director of Accessibility

Our commitment to empowering every person and organization on the planet to achieve more includes building out accessibility features in our existing products and services.

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility Learn about our commitment to accessibility Jenny Leah Director of Marketing

Uncovering the stories of women, and celebrating them, is key for the next generation to have female role models to help realize they can do it too.