How much does the US give other countries in military aid?

Comprehensive data on this year’s aid to Ukraine won’t be available for a few years, but the Eastern European country has ranked among the top 10 recipients for military aid in recent years.

Published Tue, May 3, 2022 by the USAFacts Team

Home / Defense and security / Articles / How much does the US give other countries in military aid?

In 2020, the US sent $11.6 billion in military aid to 157 different countries, according to United States Agency for International Development and State Department data. [1] The contributions amounted to less than 2% of the $683 billion spent that year on national defense. It was the lowest amount the US gave in military aid since 2004.

Along with economic assistance, military aid is one of the two primary categories of foreign aid spending. In 2020, the US spent $51.1 billion in foreign aid, which makes up 1% of the federal budget. Military aid accounted for 23% of foreign aid spending in 2020.

Examples of military aid include funds for training or paying a country’s military, as well as sending weapons, vehicles, and other military equipment.

Due to reporting constraints, data on military aid can exclude some Defense Department spending. This includes missile defense funding for Israel or US military assistance that’s classified for national security reasons.

Adjusted for inflation, the US government has given other nations nearly $1 trillion in military aid since 1947.