Settlement Demand Letter | Offer to Settle

A settlement demand letter is a letter in which the writer expresses their willingness to settle a case out of court and offers a settlement. You might write a settlement demand letter if you have received a claimant’s demand letter and wish to respond with a settlement counteroffer. This letter is a written response to the demand letter and an offer to settle for a different amount than the claimant requested.

In this article, we discuss offering a settlement and what to include in your letter. We provide a format you can use for your letter and a sample letter for you to read.

Why Offer a Settlement?

Settling a case out of court can save you money, time, and stress. Because a court case can be long-term and expensive, you might decide to settle even if you disagree with the claimant’s version of the incident that caused their loss. A settlement demand letter allows you to express your disagreement and offer a lower settlement amount.

Note: You might decide to settle out of court because you are not required to admit guilt to offer a settlement. You can deny responsibility for the incident and still offer to settle. Offering to settle might be preferable to a court case in which a jury determines your guilt or innocence.

A Guide to Write a Settlement Demand Letter

Settlement Demand Letter Format

Sample Settlement Demand Letter

3008 South Hickory

Broken Arrow, OK 74011

February 20, 2030

3006 South Hickory

Broken Arrow, OK 74011

Dear Matthew Davis,

I have received your letter dated February 10, 2030. You state that a tree located on my property fell on your car when it was parked in your driveway on February 6, 2030, and you ask for $2,300.00 for the car’s repair.

Although the tree did fall on your car, I do not accept responsibility for the damage. Insurance covers this type of situation, and your car insurance will pay for your car’s repair.

As a gesture of neighborly goodwill, I formally offer to pay $500.00, the cost of your car insurance deductible.

To accept this offer, please send a written response to this letter by March 20, 2030.

Settlement Demand Letter(Word Template)

Settlement Demand Letter(Word Template)


There are many reasons you might want to settle a case out of court. If you receive a claimant’s demand letter, you can write a settlement demand letter, including a settlement counteroffer. This letter indicates you are willing to settle, although you may not be responsible for the incident. Offer a smaller settlement amount than the claimant requests, but make the settlement tempting. Be sure to include the settlement offer’s terms in your letter.

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