A settlement demand letter is a letter in which the writer expresses their willingness to settle a case out of court and offers a settlement. You might write a settlement demand letter if you have received a claimant’s demand letter and wish to respond with a settlement counteroffer. This letter is a written response to the demand letter and an offer to settle for a different amount than the claimant requested.
In this article, we discuss offering a settlement and what to include in your letter. We provide a format you can use for your letter and a sample letter for you to read.
Settling a case out of court can save you money, time, and stress. Because a court case can be long-term and expensive, you might decide to settle even if you disagree with the claimant’s version of the incident that caused their loss. A settlement demand letter allows you to express your disagreement and offer a lower settlement amount.
Note: You might decide to settle out of court because you are not required to admit guilt to offer a settlement. You can deny responsibility for the incident and still offer to settle. Offering to settle might be preferable to a court case in which a jury determines your guilt or innocence.
3008 South Hickory
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
February 20, 2030
3006 South Hickory
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Dear Matthew Davis,
I have received your letter dated February 10, 2030. You state that a tree located on my property fell on your car when it was parked in your driveway on February 6, 2030, and you ask for $2,300.00 for the car’s repair.
Although the tree did fall on your car, I do not accept responsibility for the damage. Insurance covers this type of situation, and your car insurance will pay for your car’s repair.
As a gesture of neighborly goodwill, I formally offer to pay $500.00, the cost of your car insurance deductible.
To accept this offer, please send a written response to this letter by March 20, 2030.
There are many reasons you might want to settle a case out of court. If you receive a claimant’s demand letter, you can write a settlement demand letter, including a settlement counteroffer. This letter indicates you are willing to settle, although you may not be responsible for the incident. Offer a smaller settlement amount than the claimant requests, but make the settlement tempting. Be sure to include the settlement offer’s terms in your letter.
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